We met with an exciting charity called Swings and Smiles based in Thatcham Berkshire at the end of 2023. Every time we have visited them, the centre has been buzzing with kids with a range of special needs, who come to play. We helped to extend their outreach programme with a grant this year.

We asked Becky Smith, Swings and Smiles Service Manager to tell about their Outreach Programme and how it helps the children. This is what she told us.
“Our Outreach services give children who can’t make it into the centre the opportunity to experience sensory – based play. We visit schools to support children with learning difficulties or disabilities and their staff by delivering five sessions including messy play and stimulating stories.
We also support organisations by providing play spaces for their events, so that we can get everyone involved. We’ve supported a range of events from Reading Football Club, Farnborough air show, the British Motor show and Parallel Windsor.”

Lexie’s story is typical of the kids coming to these sessions. She is a very happy girl who loves the time she spends at Swings and Smiles but her Mum was keen to tell us about how the outreach equipment has given Lexie and her brothers the chance to play together, supported by staff, not only at the centre but in other places.

“We have attended several of Swings & Smiles outreach sessions with our 13-year-old daughter Lexie, both with and without her three brothers. One of these sessions was at Reading football club. Having three football crazy brothers, Lexie watches a lot of football at home and really seems to enjoy it. She will focus on it for a reasonable period which is unusual because she doesn’t really have an interest in television generally. We all very much enjoyed our day out at Reading football club. It is rare that we can find an activity that is suitable for all our children and that also meets Lexie’s needs. The boys were all very excited to be taking Lexie to her first ever football game. We enjoyed the playroom as a family before the game started and Lexie also used it during the game. It’s a very welcome addition and certainly makes days out accessible for Lexie.
We have also really enjoyed the outreach sessions held at the Waterside Centre in Newbury and at local parks. Although the environment has been new to Lexie, she has adapted extremely well and has thoroughly enjoyed the sessions with staff who she knows well and equipment that she is familiar with. Unfortunately, without the support of the staff and the equipment provided, it would be unlikely that we’d be able to take advantage of what is going on locally given Lexie’s complex needs.
Lexie being able to play with friends is something that I am very passionate about and I am working hard with Lexie’s school to ensure that she has the opportunity to be out and about with her friends as much as possible. The staff at Swings and Smiles have been very keen to support me to ensure that Lexie continues to have these opportunities.”
The outreach equipment is clearly being well used in lots of different places and it is lovely to know that so many more children and their families are learning the importance of play.

Swings and Smiles and the Foundation working together: so what’s next? We wanted to get young people who have no knowledge of Swings and Smiles and what they do, at the heart of any project with them. From previous programmes we have learned it is so important to get the students meaningfully involved. With this in mind we talked with students at The Downs School near Thatcham and we were delighted with their enthusiasm. They told us that they wanted to visit the centre to help by decorating and working in the grounds but also to raise money for some much needed specialised kit for the refurbished kitchen. They had a plan and the project was born. The Foundation will match, £1 for £1, the students’ fundraising to support the “cook your own meals” programme.
Watch this space for our next blog with an update but I can report that at the time of writing the Downs’ students are over halfway to reaching their target.