Our Policies shape how we behave and define what we do
Our Trustees Annual Report & Accounts details what we have done and how we have performed
What are the Foundation’s basic principles and what is the structure that sets out how the trustees manage the charity? Accessing our key policy documents will help you understand. Click on the links below – the document will open in a new page.

You need to have the confidence that your privacy will be respected. This document sets out how we are complying with the relevant legislation and what needs to be done.

Document sets out the essential framework of our strategy and top line policies that inform both direction and how the Foundation functions. Trustees use this policy as a their touchstone when making decisions. It is helpful to charities wanting to make an application for a grant.

The Foundation’s activities and behaviour needed to deliver its objectives will face a wide range of risks. Although our structure is designed to reduce many risks, there are still many that could come our way. It is important that the trustees recognise all these risks, evaluate their potential impact and put in place procedures to deal with them. This policy document sets out how we are addressing these challenges.

In practical terms, being a grant making charity demands that an endowment fund is put in place to generate income to finance, in part at least, our Grant Programmes over the long term. The Expendable Endowment Fund is a dedicated investment portfolio with holdings in a range of securities including deposits and cash. The Foundation’s financial strength determines the size of its Grant Budgets and the reach of its activities. It is important that both policy and management in this area are robust and of the highest standards.
How have we performed? Our reports embrace key information about grant activities, progress against objectives, relationships with charities we support, performance compared to targets and the Foundation’s financial strength. They set out in detail what we have been doing and where and how we are making a difference. Click on the links below – the document will open in a new page.

This is our most recent Trustees Annual Report & Accounts embracing a review by the trustees about our activities during the year and the state of our finances. We aim to publish our reports by December each year to keep you informed in a timely manner.

Because we are a grant making foundation, the provision of an endowment fund financed through donations is crucial. Without a substantial endowment fund performing well, we would be severely hampered in achieving our objectives and setting a meaningful Grant Budget. This report which includes the year end position, summarises how the endowment fund has performed and is progressing.
Keep it simple. If we and the charities we work with choose great projects and activities, are focused and perform well, more people in need will benefit